I have been doing this for the past SPring/SUmmer, And I dont know if I should make it something big, or just keep it to a little circle.
I am a big fan of Techno music, whether from Europe or just Random DJ's i am addicted. SO I HAVE been making CD's, little complections of some of the most famouse techno/d&b/trancy music on NGaudio. SO far I have 5 cd's, 6 if you count the one Bonus Tracks I put together from my Third CD. Basically I make these for myself and a friend to listen in the car to, but I include artists all from the NGaudio COmmunity.
My first CD had all Dimrain47 and ParagonX9 in it, but as I got into the audio portal, i Found other great artists such as EON, NemisiTheory, NightHawk22, cornandbeans, Psybot, g-r4ve, cheshyre, dj-silent-hunter, djrunaway, RageIV and many more
I have all these artists (and more) on my CDs, and I would like to share them with the NG community.
IDK if this will be a good idea or not, but it can be a start for something. With the concent of the artists as well, it could be possible t sell these giving them and NG profit, but that is way out there, and I am not to sure I have that much time on my hands currentlly. But this is just an idea thrown out there, im not sure what will come out of it, or if i will even pursue it.