Why can't Gawd have been a exceptionally smart humanbeing that decide to Use Genetic engenering to create things?
CAUSE THE bible doesn't say so!
And Zombie Jesus is comming back soon to destroy all our analog telivision sets cause the digital age is comming
and the polar caps will switch
the same day the mAyans planned we would all die
America end
due to the supermassive Valcanoe in Yellowstone
splitting The continent of North america in half
and bringing in the ocean to drown all the republicans
but then we won't even survive the next couple of weeks
for the gawd damn sweedish are going to kill us with their Big Bang Black Hole generator
THE eartH is going to end up smashed into a big codensed ball of everything matter
and whats left of all our electrons will be squeezed out over millions of years out into the unknown space like a grapeseed beeing pushed through cheeze-cloth
Looks like a vagina
except it would burn your cock if u stick it in... owch XD