but it is SEXY and hard, and soft and (let me get my thesaurus) twittery, libidinous, nectareous and overall MELILiFLous
but it is SEXY and hard, and soft and (let me get my thesaurus) twittery, libidinous, nectareous and overall MELILiFLous
Yam, creepy song, but i got a question too
WHAT happen to Niggga Stole My Remix!? I y is it not on ur submissions list/.? I COULD HAVE SWORN snayk made it... its such a good song
this song is gewd too
I still have it, but it is renamed "Punch-Out! [Bike Remix]"
I chose to change the title because it could be considered offensive. Those who know me know I am not racist, but I'd rather not offend anyone.
Thanks for the review!
Its warming
i like it, its slow for a change but CHNAGE is gewd, maybe come back to this type of repetitious music in the future with more going on!
THIS renditioon (the Bender insert is a little low quality compared to the song though) but idc about quaility as much as i do taste "HIGH FIVE"
Mellow Dramatic and HIppidy, "thumb appendiges up"
YOU my friend... if i may call u friend, are becoming really popular! I rember listening to you when you were chainsaw_09, and i luved ur stuff- you are exploading even farther with ur new stuff (especially radioactive) good godly gods, this is a pretty old song though and the only reason im reviewing it is because it was on the front page.
so Kudos ol chap, and may the Force (of dreaming creation) B with YOU!
Neat-oh, and greaaat rhythem
Thanks a lot.
I LUV THIS SONG- the bass, the synth, the orchastra OM flipping GAWD this should have takin' u 2 years, let only 2 months! i l;uv how it just goes right into it with no intro watsoever- MAN way 2 b, go, and say something with dis song rioght here
Truly, tis song is a great song! it gets deep, i like this type of creativity, KEEP this kinda stuff up man! (tell u the truth i don't really like ur belittlment r&b song *thats me though) cause i like to hear a fast paced layered sound with lots O changes... not so much a kind of "walking down the hallway corridor building up to something that never comes" aka not very exciting- but it works for a good futuristic game like peep's said
srry, i kinda left two reviews, so ill score the Bilittlement a 8 while this song is a kickin my ass 10! hehe
I'm glad you like this one, although I'm not a big fan of it myself - sort of like an experimentation with the new guitar-ish instrument. :) Could've been a lot worse, I suppose. ;D
And yeah, Belittlement is OK I guess, I haven't tried that much R&B yet and it certainly doesn't cater to everyone. ;D I get what you mean, though.
Thanks for both reviews, lol. :p
this is the new holy land
im so flubber-ie-gibbity for all this techno ur pumpin' out! the transitions dukeout was outstanding! ur topping my frost IBC rootbeer with a nother layer of frothy foam, TIS a SITASTICAL DANCE FEVER
oh, and awesome job- (nice girl scream u do it urself?)<JK =D
Born and raised in a village near the border of Chile, I grew in a chili field where my own chili became the prize of the town. One day the folks of the town decided to cook my Chile, but it was too large to fit in any of the stew pots, so I ran away: XD
Age 34, Male
Y u axe?
Pella, IA
Joined on 8/7/06