aod420247: well, killer can decompile flash
chicletin: its works?
aod420247: his trainer does work
Yooo its Zam: sooooo considering im a 13 year old pre puberty voice im only voice acting kids lmao
Yooo its Zam: no i got a tablet
infernocpf: PENIS COCK WANK s*** f***!
im-a-goth-girl: hay
chicletin: m.... wokrs a lot
infernocpf: HOWS UR ARSE?
aod420247: ban stick?
Yooo its Zam: lmaoooo
tits: tits
vf: ban hammer!!
infernocpf: =D
Spitz3r: Are there mods?
aod420247: lol
Remedt: Idiots
infernocpf: im not spamming
aod420247: yes....thats why i am bolded
Remedt: ALL YOU f*** OFF
aod420247: i know your not
infernocpf: im quoting
aod420247: i am not a nazi mod lol
yokomeso: i have a coupon!
infernocpf: nazi mods....are .....nazis
aod420247: remedt stop it
im-a-goth-girl: me to
vf: yay no poozy
aod420247: no poozy lol
infernocpf: poozy rules!
aod420247: not yet at least
chicletin: not mod too
Yooo its Zam: ....
yokomeso: i get one free carrot for every crow i kill ^^
Spitz3r: who here actually animates?
Spitz3r: or are all of you trolls?
vf: if poozy mods in here im leavin lol
aod420247: not me i such with flash
infernocpf: he banned me, so i endded up pulling my snes down i got over 500 pounds worth of games thanks to him
Yooo its Zam: SO I NEED 5 ppls that can voice act for adfultsss
aod420247: suck*
yokomeso: i make muzsiks
aod420247: lol
aod420247: yooo, i am 26...i can do it lol
yokomeso: and i torcher santa clause
infernocpf: im-a-goth-girl
Yooo its Zam: lmao
aod420247: i make instrumentals with acid pro
infernocpf: ur not really a goth girl are you
vf: hey im 26 are u copyin me?
Yooo its Zam: ...
aod420247: nah, not copying, i am acxtualy 25, 26 in january lol
yokomeso: i threw santa into a pile of pikes in a volcanoe made of bullets
infernocpf: im 17!
vf: im27 in may yay
infernocpf: yaya! (this song rules! 8662)
Yooo its Zam: damn im youngest here o.o
aod420247: i dont like getting old tho so im not all like yay lol
aod420247: 8662 is funny
aod420247: i heard it last night
vf: i have two birthdays so i never age really lol
aod420247: what?
infernocpf: ?!
im-a-goth-girl: im-a-goth-girl
vf: i have 2 birth certificates
infernocpf: burn one
aod420247: i have notice3d that the music stops playing on its own after a while
aod420247: why 2 births?
infernocpf: =D
Yooo its Zam: are u illegal here lmao
vf: one for the 17 of may anf one for the 18
aod420247: what how and why?
infernocpf: im llegal in england!!!! and im big in japan!!!
infernocpf: ^_^
Yooo its Zam: vf is an illegal alien!!!
aod420247: o well
aod420247: my mo and das both work for ins/ice lol
vf: the nurse screwed up on one and made the real one and my parents kept both
aod420247: mom and dad
yokomeso: 136243
aod420247: nice vf
aod420247: so did you get two socials too? now that would be kick ass
infernocpf: k
yokomeso: it is jazzy and saweet
vf: lol no
aod420247: i bet you could though right?
aod420247: or is one voided ro something
infernocpf: 157580 ----LOL
vf: but my records arec so confusing i an literally be 2 people but the samre
aod420247: lol
DarrienRevived: Well.
yokomeso: mouthful of raw chuc huu
Yooo its Zam: f***
im-a-goth-girl: lhflujyhflujygfldfyhglifglikfghfkghrut ye;roujfrjgvhadbrl;fvuirefgheariughaer iugayherliugaerliugrhfldijghdighiuhg
DarrienRevived: That's quite inappropriate.
aod420247: ......
Yooo its Zam: annyone wanna trade dogs lmao
DarrienRevived: Hi, aod.
vf: i cant wait for those potions u can drink that can make u turn back your age
im-a-goth-girl: hay
elf: p
vf: idont wanna be old and wrinkly yuck
aod420247: hi
yokomeso: ill trad u an old car for ur dog
DarrienRevived: So, im-a-goth-girl, are you actually a goth girl?
im-a-goth-girl: bye
Yooo its Zam: if you wanna voice for mah flash in bout 2 weeks gimme the heads up
vf: lol i think she was a he
yokomeso: im-a-goth-girl is an old hairy pervert looking for a good fap
DarrienRevived: I'm game.
Yooo its Zam: DUDE!
DarrienRevived: Me?
Yooo its Zam: yoko wut 40 year old men do is there business
xAxOxDx: no
im-a-goth-girl: im playing sims2
vf: woah another mod!!
DarrienRevived: Aod has gone through an upgrade!
xAxOxDx: i have every thing for sims 2..i love torrents lol
yokomeso: 40 years is too old to dew it with older women, so tthey go for younger ppls
vf: lol
DarrienRevived: Congrats, AOD.
Gloryhawk: :D
xAxOxDx: lol
Yooo its Zam: wutds does "AOD" stand for anyways?
im-a-goth-girl: i got 999999 money
NO: 868 guys
xAxOxDx: i was in a quake deathmatch clan back in like 96..
xAxOxDx: we called ourselves the angels of death...
vf: coool
xAxOxDx: i have had this username on aol since 93.
yokomeso: Asses Opening DIck
Yooo its Zam: what... the...f***?!?!?!?!?
xAxOxDx: aol 1.6 for dos.
DarrienRevived: Hmm.
Gloryhawk: :D
Yooo its Zam: duck
vf: i kicked ass in quake
yokomeso: s***
vf: noone could beat me
xAxOxDx: yeah me tooo...i still play lol
xAxOxDx: that and q3a
Yooo its Zam: ...
xAxOxDx: vogon hq anarchy on q3a id my fave
im-a-goth-girl: f***
Yooo its Zam: did i smoke some bad weed?
xAxOxDx: no nots!
Panda: :O
xAxOxDx: bots*
vf: yes we are rowbotts
Yooo its Zam: lmao
DarrienRevived: Having bot sex actually, every hour, on the hour.
Yooo its Zam: G-bot is g-spot
Panda: D:
NO: No I'm just kidding. So SORRY.
DarrienRevived: I'm not, though.
vf: lol
Yooo its Zam: wtf
xAxOxDx: wtf?
futy: ok this is
vf: i dunno i missed it
xAxOxDx: i will say i am surpised this didnt get more attention
NO: What's wtf?
nmhmn: th
DarrienRevived: I'm going to need participants i.e. females and hermies only.
xAxOxDx: what the fucc
nmhmn: thfghfggfhfgfghfg
NO: I know what it means...
yokomeso: JESUS my chakra is low
xAxOxDx: lol
NO: I mean why is everybody saying it.
xAxOxDx: idk
Yooo its Zam: ¦ [
Panda: R U TEH MOD?
yokomeso: i must rub harder enable to increase it
Mattster092: Hey peeple
xAxOxDx: yez i am ze mod
NO: lol 166994 wind waker
DarrienRevived: Yoko has the idea.
Mattster092: Mods are in bold.
Cockdick: n***** n***** f*** cocks
Yooo its Zam: i got a song!!
DarrienRevived: Cockdick does not.
xAxOxDx: .....
yokomeso: ze is my dads name u whore
Cockdick: african americans
Panda: I found apokemon song! :D
xAxOxDx: well, ze is how i type russian for the lol
OurTimeIsNow: pokemon is the s*** ! xD
xAxOxDx: so you can thave it
Nane: crap
mduo: hello peasants
im-a-goth-girl: madness interactive
NO: 46335 greensleeves
xAxOxDx: your one of the peasents
Yooo its Zam: Safe sex is great sex so u better were the latex or u'll get the late text
yokomeso: HAHE, my dad is a joke lawls
Sweet Violet: hello
NO: nice
RicktheRaper: mmmm
Mattster092: so how exactly do u mod?
Panda: i dun get it
im-a-goth-girl: bye
Mattster092: Is there a special pannel?
Yooo its Zam: THAT WAS MY SONG
xAxOxDx: i dont lol
yokomeso: 8=============D
Panda: text message?
mduo: your dad is a joke
DarrienRevived: Sweet Violet, you sound like you could be an attractive female.
OurTimeIsNow: sure does
RicktheRaper: i like little girls too!
xAxOxDx: j/k... nah i just have acess to some extra crap
yokomeso: masive penis attack mduo!!
RicktheRaper: :O
Panda: mudkip
Yooo its Zam: C=======3
mduo: yokomeso takes it up the bumb
yokomeso: 8=====================================
Nane: Pedobear is near, i 've a feeling
Dungeonkirby: GRan pene ataca a mduo
Mattster092: o
DarrienRevived: I would like confirmation of Violet's hotness pl0x.
xAxOxDx: ass fuccing?
OurTimeIsNow: is nice
im-a-goth-girl: im going to wal-mart
yokomeso: i kill pandas
DarrienRevived: Ew.
mduo: walmart rules!
OurTimeIsNow: have fun
RicktheRaper: fxckyehs
Panda: WHY?
mduo: i never buy anything from them though
Alix1: hey guys!
Nane: Pedobear se coge a Gungeonkirby
mduo: its a store full of free stuff!
xAxOxDx: walmart pregnancy test?
yokomeso: cause they r scaery as hell
Alix1: lol
Panda: RAR!
DarrienRevived: Amen to that.
Yooo its Zam: ok
xAxOxDx: and yes mrduo you are right
OurTimeIsNow: what? your preganent ?
yokomeso: and they smell like old clay and rice
Júlliice: 159308 hahaha
RicktheRaper: ha that would just be a popsicle stick with an advertisment on it
xAxOxDx: thats what the garden center is for lol
im-a-goth-girl: im going to buy candy
yokomeso: BOOM, *the sound of a shotgun killing a PANDA*
mduo: haha yea
mduo: garden center ftw
xAxOxDx: lol
yokomeso: if by candy u mean dick...
im-a-goth-girl: mnm,n.,mn.m,nmnmmmn,mmmnmmm
RicktheRaper: lol
vf: ok im back
xAxOxDx: laptop boxes fit thru those bars nicely
mduo: wow 159308 is annoying
xAxOxDx: especailly when you have employess on the inside lol
RicktheRaper: fukyermum
mduo: lucky! they dont give us those boxes :(
OurTimeIsNow: haha
vf: had ta get a drink i was dyin if thirst and a headache
xAxOxDx: what?!?!?!??!?
mduo: ah i see, then yea that works
im-a-goth-girl: nmnmnmn,m,mmm,mmnmmnmn,mnm
DarrienRevived: I think Goth Girl is sucking on a fat one.
yokomeso: oh man, u hear that, i am getting layed!
vf: lmao
xAxOxDx: thats where i got my sony external dvd dual layer drive from too lol
DarrienRevived: I think that I should be next.
im-a-goth-girl: im a boy
Alix1: lol
DarrienRevived: No, you're not.
yokomeso: i know ^^
OurTimeIsNow: doesnt matter
DarrienRevived: Leave me to my ignorance.
vf: lol i knew it
mduo: best stuff is when your friend's dad is a manager and the friend gives you the ipod case key >
im-a-goth-girl: hey
Yooo its Zam: PM ME IF U HAVE A DEEP VOICE AANYONE WHO WILL VOICE ACT FOR MY FLASH IN TWO WEEKS PM "llomasboy" TO SIGN UP (i need a few deep voiced ppl and a few female voices)
xAxOxDx: LOL
yokomeso: they all fel the same, cyber sex always is gay
xAxOxDx: NICE!
OurTimeIsNow: i thought it was alrite
Alix1: i have an anouncers voice
yokomeso: mduo.... ur more like AWESOMDUO!
moot: moot here
RicktheRaper: im a BIG boy
vf: gay it is cyber sex you must not hate you the force will
mduo: yokomeso sucks giant floppy donkey dick
RicktheRaper: ;-]
mduo: can i say that? haha
Yooo its Zam: hmmmm i doo need a narrator
xAxOxDx: ill make you a mod if you mail me an ipod video lol
DarrienRevived: Cyber sex is awesome when you can follow up with real sex.
yokomeso: s*** f*** cum s*** gay fauck
mduo: hahaha
OurTimeIsNow: lmfao
vf: hey 148409 woohooo nirvana!
xAxOxDx: =)
moot: anyone here bout /b/ reaching 100M posts?
mduo: i have an itouch laying next to me
RicktheRaper: yeah 159308 hurts my head
NO: me
DarrienRevived: That sounds hot.
yokomeso: 00001 is an awesome song
OurTimeIsNow: wtf are these songs ?
yokomeso: 107174
xAxOxDx: i had in iphone 2g, i sold it for my comp i am on...i sold it to buy my cdq extreme proc
OurTimeIsNow: theyre gay
yokomeso: these are audio portal songs!
mduo: nice, i just have a regular dell laptop im on now
yokomeso: straight from the ass of tom Fulp
NO: who was post 100m?
xAxOxDx: oh cool
vf: i love nirvana even if they are old
moot: i just raped all your moms
RicktheRaper: 110159
xAxOxDx: no mom raping lol
Acoma: Wow vf is still here.
DarrienRevived: I wonder; does NG produce these tracks onto CD?
mduo: though one of the employees at wallyworld is slightly special, so he gives you the box of stuff if you ask him for it
OurTimeIsNow: rape the bitch
vf: of course i am
yokomeso: f u moot, im gonna rape u so hard, ur asshole will be the size of a car tire
xAxOxDx: i dont think so, darren
vf: ive been here for like 6 hours
xAxOxDx: LOL duo
RicktheRaper: 29299 hahha thats pointles
PuebloBoy: Hi
mduo: hey xAxOxD does yours have really high security?
Acoma: 6 hours straight
Yooo its Zam: PM ME IF U HAVE A DEEP VOICE AANYONE WHO WILL VOICE ACT FOR MY FLASH IN TWO WEEKS PM "llomasboy" TO SIGN UP (i need a few deep voiced ppl and a few female voices)
vf: somethin like that
xAxOxDx: HELL NO they dont even have an lp person atm
Jamesd: alright
vf: im bored outta my skull
moot: you can't raep me
xAxOxDx: he fgot fired last week
mduo: really? wow your lucky then too
DarrienRevived: Hey, Zam, I think I might want to try out for that.
Yooo its Zam: pm me
OurTimeIsNow: your cool
Jamesd: confused
mduo: all the surrounding walmarts in my area have security and catch people doing stuff all the time
Acoma: Watched 75of Napoleon Dynamite on comedy central =(
xAxOxDx: yeah, but here in denver where i am at, i have aces to atleast three walmarts with in a 15 mile radius
DarrienRevived: I'm going to have to buy a suitable mic first.
RicktheRaper: i could change that
Yooo its Zam: llomasboy
Acoma: 75 percent that is
yokomeso: i can 2 rape u. if i try hard enough and beleive inmy self i can rape u. plus u cant run when ur dead
xAxOxDx: i have a suitable mic
Acoma: SuttBex not included.
mduo: wow, i have access to technically 3, but i dont want to drive that far
DarrienRevived: Can I use it for my mouth, AOD?
mduo: im in the middle of iowa
xAxOxDx: a shure ribbon mic for 1966...the saound out of it is amazing
mduo: cccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
xAxOxDx: from*
d: hey
DarrienRevived: Well.
vf: i cant go nowhere right now anyway my cars out
Acoma: Lawlrus?
yokomeso: wat u wanbt d
Yooo its Zam: last time
d: Hello?
moot: 85046 is agood song
Acoma: What did you do to your car?
yokomeso: who's thar?
mduo: im going to sign off now and go play left 4 dead!
Yooo its Zam: vPM ME IF U HAVE A DEEP VOICE AANYONE WHO WILL VOICE ACT FOR MY FLASH IN TWO WEEKS PM "llomasboy" TO SIGN UP (i need a few deep voiced ppl and a few female voices)
OurTimeIsNow: what ?
d: Im here
PuebloBoy: Anybody making flash games?
xAxOxDx: my car ahs expired out of state plates on it lol, i cant drive it.
OurTimeIsNow: this is bulls***
moot: 555 if you owna fleshlight
mduo: haha nice job
xAxOxDx: my friend from nm gave it to me.
d: 555555
yokomeso: gawd dam it.... i though it was a dead panda
vf: i would take the bus but it dont run on sundays
Acoma: What kind of car is it?
mduo: good bye alex and others
d: hello
DarrienRevived: 6969 if someone wishes to give me a sanitized fleshlight.
xAxOxDx: i just gotta get it registered..92 izusu rodeo 4wd
fxckyehs: gooo jogging!
yokomeso: by mduo, where u going?
mduo: play l4d
xAxOxDx: nice
moot: 9001 if you are athiest, like me.
Acoma: I want to get a 4 door wrangler rubicon, those things are cool as hell, the motor sucks balls though...
xAxOxDx: have fun
d: 9001
yokomeso: i though u beat it?
DarrienRevived: 9002, I'm agnostic.
vf: im savin up to buy a 1969 thunderbird midnight black mustang
mduo: im doing campaign on expert now
fxckyehs: lol
PuebloBoy: PUEBLOBOY SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.
mr-money: hey guys. i'm back
Acoma: Haha that's f***ing awesome.
fxckyehs: 9001
DarrienRevived: It's G-Money.
vf: hey money wasuuuuuup
yokomeso: good luck, u fag u
xAxOxDx: duo, i am going to be starting expertt soon too, once i get away from here lol
xAxOxDx: yo money whats up
mduo: ya have fun with cogs 2
nmhmn: no one cares
mduo: haha nice
yokomeso: I WILL!
mr-money: who is this? new username?
DarrienRevived: Money bags.
xAxOxDx: lol aod420247
mduo: my L4D copy is full russian, i dont understand any of it
mr-money: ok sure
yokomeso: byes mduo, kill them witches
PuebloBoy: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vf: no he hacked aods account
mduo: mmmk see ya later
yokomeso: and boomers
xAxOxDx: the witches are bitches!!!
mr-money: apparently 9 people have been auto banned since i was gone...!
yokomeso: ya, hey r
xAxOxDx: nah vf, he can see whats my ip
vf: lol
fxckyehs: whata shame
yokomeso: wcth=bitch=suckscock
xAxOxDx: damn auto ban in place? nice
vf: i havent been banned so i must be a good boy lol
DarrienRevived: Yeah, money how have the issues een working out? Are there any more serial spammers working their way in?
mr-money: yeah. if you go to the bottom of the mod page, you can see a list of ppl banned
PuebloBoy: "farts"
xAxOxDx: some one sent me your swf all decompiled though, they seem to think they can make thenself a mod with it....
DarrienRevived: Bless you.
yokomeso: mr-money!
Acoma: Cock and balls?
yokomeso: give me money or i will call myfriend to steal from u
mr-money: haha no, they can't, because the mod page only allows mods to access it
NO: well then
xAxOxDx: right
mr-money: what they can do is get the mod button visible, but they can't do anything with it
xAxOxDx: where is this mod page?
DarrienRevived: Awesome.
NO: lol
vf: hey mr money waterproofninja was waitin ta say hi ta u earlier but he got tired and left
mr-money: yeah i've been sleeping for hours
PuebloBoy: Many Americans failed to realize that the bird is the word.
fxckyehs: lazy
Yooo its Zam: i only got one
fxckyehs: whats the word? :O
yokomeso: so, will this thing become so incredibly popular every newgrounder will be on it?
mr-money: but yeah, xA, the mod page is just the thing when you click "ban user"
a butt: hey im a butt
xAxOxDx: oh
Jesus Juice: Hello yall
DarrienRevived: So, Moneyman, is this applet a temporary endeavor or is its permanent establishment still tentative?
McFaggot: Ello
a butt: newgrounds hasnt been interesting in about 5 years
Yooo its Zam: AOD
xAxOxDx: nice i didnt see that inever clicked it
mr-money: i'm keeping it. i just saw the view count and it has mega views
Jesus Juice: This is pretty neat
Yooo its Zam: are u going to join my flash?
DarrienRevived: So, what -has- been the most interesting thing that has happened on Newgrounds that you guys can think of?
yokomeso: will somone use my s***ty music for their flash?
vf: i think the most intersting and sad thing was the death of livecorpse
yokomeso: PA LEASE!
DarrienRevived: That doesn't seem like the best way to advertise your stuff, Yoko.
xAxOxDx: i might join yoo
McFaggot: Im making a video game but someones already my audio crew
vf: that or the bend phenomenon
nmhmn: any one know any good songs?
PuebloBoy: Who wants me to be a voice of a character in their flash movie?
mr-money: lol xA, you never clicked that button? that's the thing you can use to ban ppl
yokomeso: okay.... i have jazzy stuff, and guitar stuff and a lil techno stuff
mr-money: well actually, i see you've never banned anyone, so cool
xAxOxDx: no i know, i just thought i clicked a name and clicked ban
xAxOxDx: i havent had to ban anyone yet
yokomeso: ALSO--- i have a new song that i do not have up yet.... but it has guitar and piano>>>!
fxckyehs: moneyman, you should create different rooms to keep conversations better and less chaotic
Jesus Juice: I cant even tell if this is real or fake
xAxOxDx: plus where is view count? i take it i cant see that?
mr-money: i need to check my records to see if these people were auto banned correctly
DarrienRevived: Oh, Jesus, you're so silly.
RetributionVox: It's time...
mr-money: no, the newgrounds view count
McFaggot: who owns this chat room?
xAxOxDx: oh ok
mr-money: i'm talking about
xAxOxDx: whats the msg count toal at now?
yokomeso: b00bs
yokomeso: shlt
RetributionVox: What's good everyone?
McFaggot: mr-money, are you the owner?
xAxOxDx: everyhting is good
DarrienRevived: Yo, RetriVox.
RetributionVox: That's what's up...
Jesus Juice: It just seems like a flash that is ll too convincing
yokomeso: mr-money is the CEO
mr-money: hold on. i need to do some stuff then i'll tell you
xAxOxDx: mgfaggot...lmao i was tkaing a drink and saw your name and almost spit tea all over my kb
IrkenExperiment995: hello
xAxOxDx: mc*
RetributionVox: Everyone...don't sleep on this guy on NG named REDEMPTI0N, he is The s***
DarrienRevived: Don't sleep on him or with him?
xAxOxDx: lol
yokomeso: dew u like black teaxAcOxDx?
RetributionVox: umm Both..
fxckyehs: wtf that makes no sense
DarrienRevived: Interesting.
xAxOxDx: nah, im drinking lipton cold brew
Ghost: im bored
yokomeso: if its diet ur going to gain the LBS
Yooo its Zam: I need voice actor for my flash PM llomasboy to sign up (deep voiced please)
DarrienRevived: Are you a female, RetriVox?
RetributionVox: Yooo
Mc1337: Whats the topic?
yokomeso: i am female
RetributionVox: I can voice act for you
Ghost: im bi
DarrienRevived: I love females, by the way.
yokomeso: me too!
DarrienRevived: And depending on the male, I guess I could love you too.
matt 123: hiii
Bill Cosby: I love you Darrien
RetributionVox: Yooo its Zam, PM me.
DarrienRevived: Thank god Bill Cosby loves me.
yokomeso: my real name is Rock
fxckyehs: lol
Bill Cosby: Your just so loveable really
xAxOxDx: yooo pm me too, i can do some voiceovers for you, just tell me what you need
yokomeso: but u can call me pebble
matt 123: 9090
DarrienRevived: Mmmm, I think you and I will hit it off real nice, Bill.
Bill Cosby: and then I make a face like this (-'-'-)>
yokomeso: 180
DarrienRevived: So, Yoko, you're a female with the name Rock.
fxckyehs: yoko ooonnnooooo
yokomeso: u can call me pebble
RetributionVox: CRAP! I have a penis!
fxckyehs: ACH NEIN!
xAxOxDx: lol
yokomeso: OH GAWD!
yokomeso: my lesbo dreams are shattered
DarrienRevived: I don't think that ruins your chances with me, Voxy.
RetributionVox: GHEM HEIL HITLER!
xAxOxDx: yo money, any idea why the radnomizer stops playing music after a few songs?
DarrienRevived: So Yoko, Rock is when you feel masculine and Pebble is what you go by when you're feeling girly?
xAxOxDx: lol
fxckyehs: ACH NEIN
yokomeso: ur reading me like an open book!
fxckyehs: :O
shadowdogg E: im hungry
DarrienRevived: Oh, I'll open you.
Yooo its Zam: HEY
DarrienRevived: But I really do think Bill Cosby has his eyes on me.
shadowdogg E: and died
yokomeso: stop it, myn nipples r hardening
AT TEI: sup
Bill Cosby: Like an eagle about to strike
Bill Cosby: 3
DarrienRevived: I think Yoko, Bill, and me are going to have a really nice threesome.
adffd: PENIS
Bill Cosby: Woohoo!
Bill Cosby: I like puddin
yokomeso: *dress falls off*
DarrienRevived: Any other participants? Zam, would you want to record an orgy?
yokomeso: i like guys who use pills called "ExtenZ"
adffd: i ate over 9000 extenz
DarrienRevived: ::remorselessly penetrates Yoko::
fxckyehs: thats great . you love fake men
adffd: yes
adffd: urrrgh
fxckyehs: you sicken me
DarrienRevived: Hey, don't you love fake women, though?
yokomeso: *I like men who make me scream
johnnyo234: hi ppl :)
fxckyehs: pshhh
DarrienRevived: And I'm well on my way to making you scream.
adffd: your penis is tiny
DarrienRevived: You know that quite intimately, don't you?
fxckyehs: not really but kind of yeah
yokomeso: not after he looks at me
fxckyehs: lol
DarrienRevived: Mmm, Yoko.
fxckyehs: get a room!
yokomeso: mmm, chocolate... i mean whoever im doing right now!
fxckyehs: lol
fxckyehs: BURRRNNN!!!
DarrienRevived: You know, if it turns out you're not actually a girl -- and are really a fat, balding waste of a recliner, you better have a fanfriggintastic personality.
suerf: hhasdfghjkl;
yokomeso: back in china people think im a whore :(
xAxOxDx: lol darren
vf: ach phone call sorry peoples
DarrienRevived: Seriously?
fxckyehs: a fat dirty man whore?
DarrienRevived: That means you put out. Can we talk some more please.
vf: lmao
DarrienRevived: *?
fxckyehs: darren
yokomeso: no, a hot, dripping with sweat and beautifukl slut whore
fxckyehs: watch your kidneys
yokomeso: i have 3 STDS
fxckyehs: hahahhahhahaa!!!!
DarrienRevived: I think I'll have to watch everything within the general vicinity of my genitalia. But it's so worth it.
yokomeso: and im working on a fourth
johnnyo234: ........................
vf: wow is that a record?
fxckyehs: lmfao xD
DarrienRevived: I'm her fourth.
johnnyo234: std free condems :0
DarrienRevived: I put the sex back into sexually transmitted disease.
fxckyehs: no this girl at my school [the school slut] had pretty much everything except aids
yokomeso: if only i was so addicted to sex
vf: damn!
yokomeso: can i have her #?
DarrienRevived: Yoko, what's important is that you like-like me.
SupahHank: hay guys it only took me 3 minutes to cum :o
fxckyehs: ha trust me you dont want it. shes the ugliest little b*tch ever
johnnyo234: easye s musick sucks ballz
vf: thats eether really good or very bad
DarrienRevived: While I may be sexually active and open, I don't understand why you're telling that to us.
Yooo its Zam: DARRIEN!
EasyE: I don't really listen to it
DarrienRevived: Yes, Zam?
EasyE: It's just a nickname
johnnyo234: oh ok good
johnnyo234: ;)
xAxOxDx: money, the pause button doesnt work right all the time, sometimes it plays a new random
Turtle: Hey hey everyone
yokomeso: ever since my lukieumia treatments, i had to go through 3 corpses for new bones in my body
vf: is money still hrer?
DarrienRevived: That's undeniably one of the hottest things I've heard.
yokomeso: in fact, i am known as the walking whore slut corpse back in india
EasyE: like a zombie with less odour?
DarrienRevived: And that comes up as a close second.
vf: wow i thought u were just a legend!
fxckyehs: haha i dont believe your fake sh*t
johnnyo234: lol
DarrienRevived: So, technically, that doesn't count as necrophillia, right? 'Cause she's animate?
Yooo its Zam: AOD!!!!!
DarrienRevived: Why are you yelling, Zam?
nmhmn: f*** you all
xAxOxDx: what?
vf: it only counts as necrophilia if she doesnt want it
johnnyo234: yeah
xAxOxDx: and yeah why are you yelling at me?
DarrienRevived: Isn't that rape?
Yooo its Zam: are u going to sign up for the flash?
yokomeso: i had a hard time dealing with assholes and finding dead bodies skinny enough to fit me
vf: he wants uuu
johnnyo234: lol
DarrienRevived: So you have a really, really .. large .. soul.
johnnyo234: pinis
xAxOxDx: yah ill sign up
Yooo its Zam: soooooo
yokomeso: so i had to get them myself... yes my soul is huge, just like my CLlt
vf: i bet thats not the only thing thats large its probly like tryinta fit a hotdog down a hallway with her
DarrienRevived: Is your clit large enough to deepthroat me with?
fxckyehs: ew a big clit is the nastiest thing ever
xAxOxDx: omg
Yooo its Zam: PM me so i can find out ur NG account
DarrienRevived: Well, I guess technically, I'd be doing the deepthroating.
yokomeso: larger
EasyE: chat's always end up the same way
xAxOxDx: ok
johnnyo234: i have a really, really .. large pinis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!
DarrienRevived: One.
johnnyo234: ...
xAxOxDx: whats your ng username
yokomeso: hey jonny.... wats the length?
johnnyo234: lol
vf: i doubt that i mean u cant even spell penis
johnnyo234: 7 in
Yooo its Zam: my NG account is llomasboy
flexmaster: hej hej :) snakke dig dansk
DarrienRevived: Well, it could make sense. The larger the penis, the less bloodflow there is to his noggin.
yokomeso: bigger then average jonny, good job
fxckyehs: "i have big pins and buttons"
EasyE: could be
fxckyehs: lol
johnnyo234: lol ty
m: yeah
EasyE: chat rooms are for the truly bored
flexmaster: hahah dude you´re so f***ing sad
yokomeso: i have to go murder some more people, c ya latter guys
fxckyehs: damnstraight
DarrienRevived: You're very welcome. THat still makes you a dumbass, though.
m: then why are you here
vf: lol is that y u are here easy e?
DarrienRevived: WAIT.
EasyE: yes it is, I'm bored
DarrienRevived: Yoko.
xAxOxDx: msg sent
yokomeso: bye darrien
DarrienRevived: I'd like a kiss.
vf: i dont have any messages :(
johnnyo234: .......hmmm i feel like watching internet porn
EasyE: I'm drinking vodka and watching this foolishness
yokomeso: *spreads ass cheeks*
yokomeso: *poot8*
vf: i have some brandy u wanna trade?
EasyE: that* foolishness
DarrienRevived: ::censored::
DarrienRevived: Oh, that was good.
fxckyehs: cunnntaroonie